‘Choc’ out Gong Cha’s 11.11 Big Drinks - Cerita Ita                                                             ‘Choc’ out Gong Cha’s 11.11 Big Drinks Langkau ke kandungan utama

‘Choc’ out Gong Cha’s 11.11 Big Drinks

‘Choc’ out Gong Cha’s 11.11 Big Drinks

Malaysians’ favourite bubble tea chain Gong Cha is taking it up a notch with another of its exclusive creations, in partnership with Shopee. This month, be prepared to be knocked off your feet when you try the chocolate-themed Gong Cha 11.11 Big Drink series. This range is in celebration of Shopee’s 11.11 Big Sale that is taking place from now to 11 November.

Check out the Earl Grey Chocolate Smoothie, Chocolate Latte with Coffee and Chocolate Marble which are only available for purchase via the Shopee App from now till 22 November, even after the 11.11 Big Sale has ended! After all, who can say no to chocolate when it is practically everyone’s favourite?

Earl Grey Chocolate Smoothie

The Earl Grey Chocolate Smoothie is made from freshly brewed Earl Grey tea, blended together with bittersweet chocolate for a uniquely fragrant drink. Topped with Gong Cha's famous milk foam, chocolate lovers will surely enjoy this one - a refreshing cold and creamy pick-me-up.


Chocolate Latte with Coffee Jelly

Chocolate and coffee lovers rejoice! Here’s a chance to have the best of both worlds in a cup. Witness the union of bittersweet chocolate and coffee-flavoured jelly in a sea of milk. Chew on the addictive jelly while sipping on the rich and creamy chocolate milk to get that extraordinary Mocha oomph!

Chocolate Marble

For those who like to keep it simple, enjoy the distinctive flavour of bittersweet chocolate in creamy milk foam. This makes for a nice and refreshing way to clean the palate after a good meal, especially for those who do not want a heavy dessert.


So how do Malaysians get their hands on these drinks?

The Gong Cha e-drink series can only be purchased via the Shopee App, and redeemed at all Gong Cha outlets nationwide. Get the Shopee x Gong Cha 11.11 Big Drink series exclusively on Shopee through the Food & Services Vouchers in-app portal from now to 22 November.

Fans can enjoy the Earl Grey Chocolate Smoothie at an introductory price of RM12 while the Chocolate Latte with Coffee Jelly and Chocolate Marble can be enjoyed at RM10. Save more when you purchase the drinks at 50% off this November on these special dates: 7, 8, 11, 15 and 22. Enjoy 30% coins cashback with no min spend and earn up to 500 Shopee Coins when you complete your purchase with Shopeepay.

Additionally, users who use ShopeePay to pay for their Gong Cha orders at physical outlets stand a chance to receive RM4 cashback when they spend a minimum of RM10. This offer is valid till 31 December 2020.

What are you waiting for? ‘Choc’ it out at  https://shopee.com.my/gongcha-shopee-series



  1. 11.11 ni byk promo best2..standby yg kaki shopping online..tk pernah try lg air dr gong cha


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