9 ways to beautify your home - Cerita Ita                                                             9 ways to beautify your home Langkau ke kandungan utama

9 ways to beautify your home

Assalamualaikum all, there are many properties for sale in Malaysia recently, such as properties in Flora Damansara. If you have just recently gotten a new house yourself and you are planning to renovate your house, this article will show you some general guidelines for beautifying or renovating your home. Before you begin the renovation, you need to know there are 2 options available for you to choose from: 

1. Engage in an interior design and the interior design manages the entire process starting from design all the way until you move in; 
2. Self manage by engaging with contractors and various service providers. 

9 ways to beautify your home

If you are opting for option to where you would like to self manage the entire process, this article will guide you through. Here are the guidelines for you to follow when it comes to beautifying your home.

1. Design and planning
Make an Excel worksheet to jot down the ideas you have, the costing from different suppliers and advices you get from your family and friends. Having an Excel worksheet will definitely keep the process smooth and easy, especially when it comes to comparing ideas or costing.

In addition, it is important to set a realistic budget for your renovation to prevent you from overspending or getting a huge renovation loan. You definitely do not want to overspend and regret only when it comes to payment. That will then be too late.

There are many design website on the Internet that you could have a look and get some inspiration or ideas, such as Pinterest or Qanvast. These websites will show you different renovation ideas from paint color to bedroom designs and types of lighting and furniture used. 

After you have identified with the style and design you prefer for your living room, dining room, kitchen, bathrooms and bedrooms, you can then start discussing with your service providers with what you would like to achieve. Do however bear in mind that you might not achieve 100% similarity to the pictures you see on the Internet as they might not have the same length and width, area and height. 

There are many contractors available in Singapore, so make sure you do your research before you engage in one.Engage in the one that you are most confident with in their workmanship.

2. Demolition and hacking
If you plan to restructure your house, make sure you double check with your contractor on whether any demolition or hacking work is allowed in your premise. An experienced contractor will then be able to give you some advice on what can be done and what cannot be done.

3. Electricity, plumbing and air conditioner
Any shirting in electrical points, pipes and air conditioner trunking should be done as early as you can before the massive renovation work starts. Air conditioner trunking should be done earlier and the air conditioner units can be installed much later.

Furthermore, you will also need to decide on whether do use a storage tank heater, electric heater or gas heater when it comes to water heater at home.

4. Masonry and flooring
There are a few areas in your house that you might wish to build kerbs at, such as the main entrance door, toilet area and the kitchen entrance door. 

If you wish to have a change in the floor tiles, the cost of it would go from $6,000 onwards, depending on the material and size of your home.

5. Windows and grills
There are many types of windows: top hung, casement or sliding. You could choose to soundproof your windows and tint the glass as well to prevent heat from entering and blocking the noise. As for window girlls, it is mainly for child safety purpose. 

6. Painting and wallpaper
Choosing the right paint, the right color makes a huge difference. Using the right paint can instantaneously revive and brighten your initially dull looking unit. Hence, choose a color that will brighten up your unit or a color that adds a touch of liveliness for your unit. Nobody wants to come back to a place where it further brings down the already-tired-from-work mood. Make sure to use only good quality paint as well to protect your home and will certainly last you a few years. If you are unsure of which color to choose, you can always ask for advices from the stores, as most stores offer a wide variety of colors for you to choose from and they will be able to advise you on the matching of the color that suits your house theme.

You could also opt for having wallpapers it is a cheaper option to nice and creative painting. Moreover, it is easily changeable if your tastes ever change in the future. 

7. Ceiling works
You could install false ceiling to your home to beautify the place. You could choose to install false ceiling at your living area, foyer area and the bedrooms. Different ceiling work such as lighting holders or L Box could give a different classy effect to your home. 

8. Carpentry works
You could do some carpentry work on your kitchen cabinets, TV consoles, false ceilings, doors, feature walls, wardrobes, bed frames and the tables at home. Do your research and look for a carpenter with good workmanship. If you are using the same design and material for your whole house, you could try to negotiate for a better price with your carpenter as the material will be cheaper when it is ordered in large quantity. 

9. Cleaning up
You are now one step closer to moving in to your dream house. After the renovation is done, it is time to clean up the mess left behind. You will need to engage with some cleaning service and disposal service to dispose all the renovation debris, and do clean up your house, including a chemical wash.

In conclusion, beautifying your home on your own is not too difficult of a job, as long as you monitor closely to the work done by different service provider. Most importantly, they are definitely affordable as compared to engaging an interior deisgn  that would break your bank account.



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